Carrie Ann Inaba is an Emmy Nominated host, producer, choreographer, writer and wellness advocate. She is most recognized from her work on ABC's megahit Dancing with the Stars, and for her previous work as moderator of CBS's The Talk. She was diagnosed with Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and Sjogren's syndrome in 2013 and has since become an advocate for those living with autoimmune illnesses and for those seeking wellness, leading the the way for wellness warriors everywhere.
One of the principals of feng shui is incorporating nature into the home to infuse the space with the energy and life of the outdoor world. Experts advise that the easiest way to do this is with live plants that will grow and thrive in the space, adding their own natural energy to it. If you’re a beginner at plant parenting, an easy-to-handle plant like a pothos or a sansiveria can thrive under minimal care while still providing all the benefits of plant life in your home.
But bringing nature indoors doesn’t mean you have to be an expert gardener. Even if you don’t feel confident with live plants, you can still brighten your home with elements from the natural world. Embracing nature as you build your spaces can be just as powerful, reminding us of our first home. Keeping natural elements inside can help keep us mindful of the lessons of metamorphosis and peace that the Earth teaches us every day.
Here are a few ways to keep nature and plants at the front of your mind even if you’re not a green-thumbed natural.
Pressed and Dried Bouquets
If you’re trying to decorate with plants and flowers, you have another option aside from “real” or “fake.” Pressed, dried and otherwise preserved plants and flowers can provide all the vivaciousness of live plants without ever wilting or dying.
A dried bouquet can be a beautiful addition to a space, adding color and life as a more permanent version of a conventional bouquet. If you’re looking for something different, stems of cotton, reeds, and other tall grass plumes can fill a vase and call back to the natural world without needing to be watered or tended.
Keeping tall, dried plumes in a vase can add life to a room and make it feel more interesting; they can bring new texture to a space, creating a natural feel wherever they’re placed. Cotton is another plant that can add a new feeling to a room and the puffy white clusters can be especially striking in rooms that already have color or are darker.
We’ve been pressing flowers for generations, stemming all the way back to Victorian England and Ancient Egypt. Pressing flowers is a great way to keep the beauty of flowers and retain their vibrance without having to watch them wither and fade. A pressed flower can be a gorgeous decoration and a lovely memento. Try picking a flower the next time you’re taking a walk with a loved one and press it for later. Framing a pressed flower means you’ll always have a piece of that experience you shared with someone you care about.
Sometimes, recreating nature indoors can mean getting more abstract— you can summon the energy and beauty of plants in your choices of furniture and other home accessories. Try to embrace the colors and patterns you love most when decorating your home; with a little imagination, your choices could recreate the feeling of a lively solarium or a peaceful forest clearing. Incorporating lots of refreshing greens or the vibrant colors of your favorite blooms can help you feel more at home in a “garden” of your own making.
Charming, thoughtful little touches can help recreate the coloring and livelinesss of the plant world while lending some personality— and even some convenience— as well.
Using nature as your guiding inspiration can even help you work practical devices into your surroundings without having them stick out. For instance, a humidifier shaped like a cute little cactus will brighten up your desk and create the effect of a friendly houseplant while remaining super practical.
If you’re tired of the look of typical diffusers, a floral-inspired diffuser will add a more natural feel to your room. It can create a lovely centerpiece while also bringing in your favorite scents from nature, whether it’s a rose picked fresh from a garden or a forest after a cleansing rain.
Whether you need an extra source of lighting or just like the look, greenery string lights have recently become trendy for good reason. Getting a string of vine lights can add a gorgeous glow to any room and create the effect of living inside a greenhouse.
It’s not hard to see why the beauty of nature would inspire so much art devoted to it. Large tapestries and prints can whisk you away to a faraway jungle, peaceful forest or immaculate garden. Oversized art can be especially powerful for providing the look of fresh, healthy green growth, helping nature to stay with you even when you’re inside.
If you love the look of potted plants but can’t commit to a watering schedule to save your life, investing in a little sculpture of a plant or succulent will fill your house with art and nature’s influence at the same time!
There are so many ways to incorporate nature and greenery into your decor, even if you’re not ready to commit to live houseplants. So many products have been influenced by the beauty found outdoors and they can help to create all the calm and fresh energy we glean from nature. If your space has felt stagnant or disjointed, consider taking a lesson from feng shui and invite in a fresh breath of life from the natural world.
Getting motivated, staying focused, and achieving productivity aren’t always easy. Especially this past year, as many of us have found our work and home lives fused together and the stress of pandemic life has weighed on us, it’s no big surprise if our motivation to get things done has flagged. There are many things that can get in the way of accomplishing our goals, from physical needs to distractions and scattered thoughts to losing sight of why we’re working towards these goals in the first place. It’s completely understandable if your productivity has seen a dip in this difficult time, but there are a few ways to help make your everyday to-do list seem less overwhelming. Whether you’re looking for a solution that’s physical, mental or emotional, I hope some of these tips help clear some of the obstacles in your path and help you appreciate your own ability to get things done!
Physical Motivation
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There’s a very real connection between your body and your brain. If your brain is feeling muddled, sluggish and unmotivated, a dose of physical movement might be in order. Rather than trying to brute force your way through these unproductive lulls, try listening to your body and taking a break. Get up, go for a walk, or even just dance around to a favorite playlist to get your blood pumping. You’ll probably find that when you sit back down to your work, your mind feels clearer and more focused. If you don’t have a favorite playlist to get pumped up, we suggest this one we hand curated with fun, upbeat music to get your day started with a boost of energy.
It’s also always important to pay attention to your physical needs– when we’re sitting down working for long stretches, we can fall into unhealthy patterns, teaching ourselves to ignore our basic needs. If you start to feel a bit fuzzy, take stock of your physical condition. Do your eyes need a break from the screen? Did you drink enough water yet today? Have you eaten and used the bathroom recently? Even little, low-frequency needs like this can build up if ignored and make it harder for you to feel comfortable and focus.
Emotional Motivation
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A lot of the conversation around staying motivated can often skew negative, focusing on how we’re not doing enough, producing enough or working hard enough. Comparison can make us feel like everyone else is more on top of their lives and that we’re falling behind; we tend to compare everyone else’s successes with our failures and find ourselves lacking. But fixating on our shortcomings and punishing ourselves when we don’t get as much done as we wanted to rarely helps to fix the problem.
Adjusting your expectations can help to shift your perspective; nobody is perfect and giving yourself breathing room when you need it will yield much better results than setting impossible goals. Embracing a positive outlook where you’re proud of yourself for what you accomplish instead of disappointed for never doing enough can make you feel better and more motivated.
A little positive reinforcement can also go a long way! Give yourself little rewards and treats when you accomplish goals. Stashing your favorite treat or setting aside your favorite show to dip into after you check off your to-do list will be a great way to emphasize your accomplishments and help yourself feel more positive throughout the day.
We often underestimate how much our environment impacts us mentally and emotionally. Little things like opening your blinds to let in natural light, lighting a candle or putting on a playlist can lift your energy level and create a space that encourages you to get things done. Music is a great way to change your environment, providing you with a soundtrack to feel motivated. Here are a few of our favorite songs that keep our spirits and spaces light and engaging.
Mental Motivation
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If you’re not Type A by nature, you probably have tasks occur to you that get forgotten right away. It’s so easy to lose track of everything we’re supposed to do, which is why keeping a physical to-do list in a prominent place, like on a notepad on your desk or on a whiteboard, can make life easier. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you know you have a lot to do. Getting it all down at once, and updating it as things occur to you, can help everything seem more manageable and keep you on track.
Big objectives can feel impossible; if you’ve been putting off a lofty goal, try to break it into smaller, more approachable pieces. When you take big tasks one step at a time, it’s easier to visualize having success and means you won’t find yourself accidentally sucked into a 12-hour project you didn’t anticipate. Creating a natural rhythm for yourself with steps you can accomplish a little at a time will transform these tasks from insurmountable obstacles into completely do-able goals.
Sometimes we can feel unmotivated when it comes to our goals because we’ve forgotten why we are even working towards them. Getting a degree can seem undesirable if you’re focusing on how boring the coursework is, and fixing up a room in your house might not seem worth it if all you see is hours of labor ahead of you. Instead of focusing on the things that stand in your way, it’s handy to do some visualization. Think about why you wanted this thing in the first place, and how you’ll feel once you’ve accomplished it. Visualize yourself finally working in the career you’ve always dreamed of, relaxing in your new living room that’s perfectly suited to you. These positive images can help motivate you through the gritty day-to-day.
If you have a tendency to jump from thought to thought or get distracted easily, you can actually use this to your advantage! Set yourself up with several different goals to accomplish at once and then jump between them to your heart’s content. You get all the satisfaction of procrastinating and the stimulation of switching tasks while still chipping away at your to-do list!
Often when we’re feeling unmotivated, a single rogue thought can be enough to derail your progress. Our brains can tell us that the new thought is urgent and tells us to prioritize it above our other objectives. If this happens to you often, try keeping a notepad on hand to write these thoughts as they come. This can be a way of reassuring your subconscious that these thoughts are important and that you’re going to give them time and thought— later.
Relational Motivation
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One factor that can have a huge impact on our ability to accomplish goals is a good support system. Accountability really does work— if you have a close friend or family member checking in with you and encouraging you to see things through, it keeps your goals at the top of your mind and can create some positive associations with getting things done! If you’re having a hard time finishing a project or sticking to a new part of your routine, try mindfully discussing it with someone you trust and ask them to check in with you regularly about it. Often our friends are kinder to us than we are to ourselves, meaning that you’ll get extra positive reinforcement out of this support that will help you on your path.
One of the biggest things to remember about motivation is not to turn it into an opportunity to judge or feel bad about yourself; that defeats the whole purpose! A little empathy goes a long way, and that counts double when we’re talking about our relationship with ourselves. When we’re on our own side, figuring out ways to help ourselves and create the best circumstances to be motivated rather than getting frustrated or disappointed in ourselves, we allow ourselves to feel our most motivated. Hopefully a few of these small changes help you access the more productive you and allow you to recognize every accomplishment as something to be proud of.
Positivity has been proven to make our lives easier, and it’s not just in our heads! Science shows that positivity can keep us healthy, lowering our blood pressure and even helping to prevent heart disease. We all want a life filled with positivity, but what does that look like? Positivity is all about choices and perspective; every time we recognize our own power to welcome light and be grateful for the good, we create a more positive reality around us.
Living a more positive life isn’t all big, life-changing moves; sometimes it’s about the little choices we make every day. Choosing decor you love, filling a space with your favorite color, bringing in fresh flowers or hanging up photos of your loved ones: if it makes you happy, don’t put off doing it! You can start producing positivity today just by giving your home a few loving touches. Here are seven easy ways to make your space (and your life!) more positive.
1. Place Reminders For Positivity Around Your Home
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When it comes to creating positivity in your home, there’s nothing like a direct approach! For instance, I print out and frame quotes that put me in a positive state of mind or remind me of the things that are important to me. I switch out the quotes every so often so I never get too used to seeing any one quote and sometimes I pick quotes especially for a goal or obstacle I’m facing at the time.
As I’ve mentioned before, keeping books out that resonate with you can also be a good way to create positive energy. If a book you read recently really taught you something you want to keep fresh on your mind, try keeping it in a stack on your coffee table, shelf or mantle. It can add to your environment and every time you get a glimpse of the spine you’ll remember the lesson you learned from it.
2. Keep A Good News List
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Sometimes, retaining positivity is all about being able to see the good in life. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by bad news, try keeping a whiteboard somewhere in your house where you can keep track of good news as you hear of it; everything from positive news stories, personal achievements or good news from friends or family will help you remember all the good that is going on in the world.
3. Display Photos Of The Things That Matter
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If you’re missing your family, friends or even your favorite places right now, print out photos that remind you of them. Photos make great reminders of our favorite memories which is why they’re one of my favorite decorations. Remembering the times we felt the happiest and the people we love can help ground our present in love, even when those experiences and people feel far away. Gratitude and positivity go hand in hand and taking steps to remember the things and people you love will always keep your outlook bright.
4. Make Souvenirs and Mementos Into Art
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Do you have a tendency to collect souvenirs or little mementos? If you’re the kind of person who ends up with a lot of old postcards, stickers, brochures and other odds and ends and you never know what to do with them, try turning them into art! Instead of sequestering them to drawers, cabinets and boxes, try picking a few of your favorites and framing them for display. It’ll help you see them in a new light and help emphasize some of your favorite past memories, keeping them present in your home.
5. Create Your Own Art
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Creating art of your own to display can always help a space to feel more like you and lead you to embrace more positivity in the day-to-day. Spending time creating something just for yourself can help you focus on what you really want and can be such a good outlet for creative expression. When you hang up art you’ve made, even if it’s not perfect, it can help you feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in honoring the feelings you expressed through the art. This is a really easy and cheap way to create a home that is stamped with your personality and taste.
6. Decorate With Fresh Flowers And Plants
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Bringing nature indoors is always an easy way to lift the energy in your space. It helps incorporate the elements of the natural world that make us feel most at peace and can help boost positivity. You don’t have to have a green thumb to introduce nature to your home! Even grabbing a bouquet from the grocery store the next time you’re out or picking flowers from your yard can fill your space with life. Whether you pick up some artificial vines or press some wildflowers to display, there are so many ways to incorporate nature according to your own style.
7. Watch Your Light
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Natural light can do a lot to impact how positive your space feels. Human beings need sunlight to stay happy and healthy, and of course the bright yellow sun has always been a symbol for positivity. Don’t forget to give yourself access to sunlight even when you’re inside. Make sure your windows are clean and try opening the blinds when you can to make your space brighter. At night, look at the kinds of lights you’re using and think about how they’re making you feel; are they harsh and fluorescent or do you have soft, diffused and warm light? Little choices can help boost your comfort and make your experience at home a happier one.
Positivity is so important. How we see the world impacts how we experience it, and we can achieve the happiness we allow ourselves to have. Our perception is in our control, and there’s nowhere we have more power than in our own homes and spaces. Every time you make a choice to highlight the positive in your home, whether it’s in decorating or just opening the blinds, you’re choosing to affect your world for the better.
My home has always been my sanctuary, the place where I can be myself and truly construct a world that reflects my personality, needs and desires. You might not have interior design at the top of your mind, but as we spend the majority of our time in our homes due to the pandemic, the truth is that the way our homes look and feel can have a huge effect on our quality of life. Like any aspect of life, it can be easy to forget to examine our homes critically, thinking about the little details that go into them. Designing your home doesn’t have to cost a lot of money or require huge amounts of energy from you; sometimes it can just be about making small choices to incorporate things you love.
Whenever I talk about my philosophy for creating peace in my home, I have to mentionThe Sensual Home by Ilse Crawford. All of my senses are important to me and I need to think about them when I’m looking at any details for my home, whether it’s wallpaper, furniture, art or even carpeting. When I’m choosing blankets, pillows and seating I have to consider my sense of touch and fill my space with things that feel soft, warm and comforting. When I think about walls and curtains and accents, I want colors and patterns that create energy, movement and freshness. When I’m at home I want to truly feel at home, and each of my senses has to be involved.
Pay Attention To Scents
It’s easy to underestimate how important scents can be to your overall experience. Scents can remind us of happier times or help us find peace even in stress. There are so many ways to incorporate scents into your home: incense, resin burners, sprays and diffusers. I love to use palo santo sprays to clear the energy in my home and make it feel fresh and new. I also love being able to light a candle and let my favorite scent waft across the room. Candles in particular are very special because they provide a sense of movement to the space; the flickering light can have the same effect as opening a window and letting sunlight flicker in, warding off stagnation.
If you want to infuse freshness, you can put some lemon or orange slices in your garbage disposal, or squeeze some of the juices into a bath. Eucalyptus oil can also provide a lovely scent to fill a room.
Focus On The Things That Make You Happy
The most important thing to remember is that your home is for you, not for anyone else. You should focus on incorporating elements that make you the happiest. A lot of the art and even the wallpaper in my home is very personal to me and helps to create the kind of rhythmic energy I like as a dancer. I also like to keep framed quotes around my home, changing them out every so often. It’s important to me to keep a sense of the new and to inspire me as I go throughout my day.
I like to keep a lot of crystals in my home— incorporating elements of the earth and of nature help me feel more comfortable. Being from Hawaii, the earth is a big part of my life. I keep a lot of quartz around to provide clarity. Tourmaline provides protection like a shield, so I keep some tourmaline in each of my windows to feel safer.
I love knowledge and I love keeping books around that are important to me. When they’re stacked or lining a bookshelf, the spines can send their own small messages: Think Like A Monk or May You Life A Life You Love aren’t just great books to read but they also help create signals about the way I want my life to look while I’m home.
Curating a home you love doesn’t have to be expensive; one of my favorite pieces is a canvas that I spray painted gold and silver myself. It was originally a painting I made with Fabian and I didn’t like the finished product but wanted to hold onto the memory. Now it’s a great statement piece that has a little story behind it that I can remember whenever I look at it and it’s completely unique to me and to my space.
Don’t Get Overwhelmed
One of the biggest factors in our home that can impact us negatively is just the clutter of daily life. It’s easy to get overwhelmed or feel like our space will never look perfect. An easy solution is just to take things in smaller pieces. You don’t have to take on a huge challenge like cleaning your entire house— if you aren’t able to accomplish it, you can feel like you failed. Instead, just pick a simple achievable task. Clean out one junk drawer and see how much better you feel. If you like to keep your windows open, just clean them as your task for the day and see if that little achievement and the extra light it lets in makes you feel happier in your home.
The House That Cleans Itself by Mindy Starns Clark is a great place to start if you often feel overwhelmed by household chores. I spent years feeling ashamed because I was never able to keep up with my housework. The House That Cleans Itself helped me realize there are different “cleaning styles” that different people prefer. It made me understand that I wasn’t lazy or inadequate, I just needed to learn a different method that was more suited to my personality. Instead of focusing on trying to do everything in a day, I now break up tasks into more manageable parts, and it no longer feels like I’m constantly behind.
Changing your perspective can change your life. Right now our homes might feel a bit constrictive and if we’re unsatisfied with aspects of them those small grievances can start taking over our minds. Making little changes and holding tight to a pride of and love for our home can start to change our outlook and everything else.
Have you ever just realized that your mood is feeling off but don’t know why? Our emotional state is made up of so many components and sometimes we can find ourselves feeling negative without knowing where it’s coming from or how to solve it. Our outlook can impact our whole day and if you’re not feeling your best it can affect everything from your physical wellbeing to your productivity to your personal relationships. In an ideal world, we’d always feel our best but the truth is that our energy levels and emotions are always in a state of flux. Sometimes, all it takes to give your mood a boost is a simple change, whether it’s introducing a new scent or your favorite color or getting your body moving.
Easy Ways To Boost Your Mood
Our feelings are complicated things, and it’s not always easy to change the deeper thought patterns or situations that impact our mindsets. Sometimes big stressors or complicated situations can weigh heavily on us, and there is no obvious “fix.” However, there are definitely small things that can impact our outlook for the better or the worse. You might not even realize how parts of your environment have been effecting you until you look for them; here are a few small ways you can give yourself a mood boost if you’re feeling stagnant or low.
1. Play Some Music
Music tends to speak to us in a different language and can provide a shift almost instantly. It’s hard not to feel a boost in your mood when your favorite music is playing or an upbeat song is pumping up your energy. Music can have such a strong effect on your environment and with the right songs you can turn your whole day around. If you don’t already have one, try creating a playlist of all your favorite feel-good music so you can reach for it anytime you want to change the vibe while you’re working, running errands, or just taking a break.
2. Get Moving
If you’re feeling downbeat or stagnant, a simple solution is just to stand up and move around. Especially as many of us work from home, it’s easy to get into a slump where you’re sitting in the same place for large chunks of the day and it can have a very negative impact on your mood. Simply getting up and jogging in place, doing some jumping jacks or doing a full-body shake can help wake your body up and change your energy. Even better, get outside for a quick walk; in addition to the endorphins you’ll produce from moving, your body will also benefit from the fresh air, sunshine, and change of scenery.
3. Make Sure You’re Fed, Hydrated and Comfortable
Sometimes our physical bodies have needs that we can forget to check in with. Have you ever realized that you’ve been hungry or thirsty or even just needed a trip to the restroom and you’ve been subconsciously putting it off? Our bodies can’t do their jobs unless we take care of them. If you ever feel a sudden downward shift in your mood, make sure all your physical needs are being met. A quick break from screens, a snack, or a drink of water can work like magic to boost your mood.
4. Reach Out To A Friend
Sometimes we can get into a negative mindset due to being isolated; without anyone to bounce our thoughts off of or lend perspective, even small obstacles can start to feel overwhelming. As humans, we need connection and community to function and feeling cut off from other people can have a big effect on our ability to live a happy and healthy life. Especially as many of us spend more time alone due to the pandemic, it’s vital to maintain ties with the people who know us best, even if they’re far away from us right now. If you’re feeling not quite yourself, make some time to call or Skype a loved one. It’s always important to remind yourself of the people in your life who love and care about you and it can always be helpful to have access to someone else’s perspective.
5. Light A Candle Or Spray Your Favorite Scent
Much like music, scents can have a powerful effect to boost our mood and our spaces. They have a strong connection to our memories and can remind us of times where we felt incredibly safe or at peace. Certain essential oils can also have all kinds of benefits from improved focus to calmed nerves to increased energy in addition to simple comfort. Lighting a candle or breaking out the essential oils can be a great way to break out of a funk and completely transform your space to be more comforting or stimulating.
6. Make A Quick Gratitude List
Gratitude is always a great solution if you’ve been feeling frustrated or sad. We have a tendency to discount the things that are good in our lives, especially when something bad is on our minds; making a list of things you’re thankful for is an easy way to bring those good things back to the center of your perspective. Remembering to be thankful for things like loved ones, achievements, or even access to a comfy bed or your favorite foods can help bring a negative outlook back into balance. Whenever you’re feeling down, try getting out some paper or a journal and jotting down five or ten things you’re thankful for today and keep it somewhere where you can look at it again whenever you need a reminder of the blessings you have.
7. Change Your Space
If you ever feel like you’re in a rut, look for little ways you can change your surroundings. If I start feeling stuck, I try to move around and reposition my furniture to invite new energy and get rid of stagnation. Sometimes a little change can be invigorating and help you feel more in control of your environment. Making little changes in the things you see every day, whether it’s changing out your art, adding a burst of color or clearing out cluttered shelves or closets, can make your space feel brand new and boost your spirits in a whole new way.
Watch Out for Negative Mood Shifts
Changing your mood from negative to positive can be easy at times, but be cautious because the inverse is also possible. Have you ever experienced a minor setback and had it ruin your entire mood? It can be really easy for us to lose perspective. Science says that we have a tendency towards negativity bias— negative experiences can be much more impactful on our moods and stay longer in our memories than positive ones. That’s why it’s so important to protect ourselves from negative emotional blowback. Here are a few emotional traps we can fall into and how to avoid them:
Getting Discouraged By A Setback. Sometimes if you aren’t able to accomplish something you wanted to or a plan goes wrong in an unexpected way, it can cast a shadow over your whole day. When this happens, try to think of the big picture— will you still be thinking about this setback in five years? Try listing five good things that happened this week. Seeking out context will help to keep this negative event from getting overblown in your mind.
Feeling Bored Or Stagnant. Boredom isn’t always a big event, but after a while it can start to have a really negative effect. We can start to feel directionless or forget our own passions or creativity. We can even start to believe that, because we’re bored, that life must be boring. This line of thinking can trick us into blinding ourselves to the interesting, stimulating and enjoyable parts of life. One way to keep boredom from seeping in is just to make a list of things you like to do: things like hobbies, projects, things on your to-read list or new nearby places you’d like to see. Keep this list in a prominent place so you can reference it whenever you feel bored or under-stimulated and see how it helps to boost your mood back up again.
Getting Caught In A Comparison Trap. A lot of the time, we have a tendency to look around at others to judge how we are doing. It’s in our nature to learn from others about how to move forward through life, but comparison can quickly become a poison that can ruin our ability to see the value in our own paths. If seeing a friend or colleague’s recent success or milestone on social media makes you feel bad about your own accomplishments, take a step back. Try to remember that you have no idea what that person’s life looks like and that we only post our best moments online. It’s not fair to compare your entire life to someone else’s highlight reel. Try to quickly make a list of five things you love about your life that you would have envied in someone else five years ago and see if your urge to compare starts to fade a bit.
Sometimes having a positive outlook can feel easier said than done. We can be so much more susceptible to changes in energy than we are prepared for; sometimes the smallest things can impact our perspective without us even being conscious of it. The good news is that these details can also work to help us; if we take care, we can do small things every day to protect and cultivate positivity, helping us to boost our mood and brighten our energy when we need it.
Over the years Valentine’s Day has evolved past simply being a celebration for couples. Valentine’s Day is now an opportunity to express your love to anyone you care about, whether it’s sending a card to your best friend or hosting a Galentine’s brunch. This year, we don’t have as many ways to celebrate with our loved ones as we stay safe and social distance, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still show our affections. Sending someone a note or a special gift just to lift their spirits can be a great token of love and can be the perfect way to celebrate the people in your life this Valentine’s Day. Whether you live near to your friends or states away, sending a little gift someone’s way can let them know how you feel about them and give them a boost of joy that’s needed now more than ever.
Here are 11 gifts you can send your Valentine, Galentine or Palentine to show them a little extra love this weekend.
We all have a friend that stays up too late and needs a little reminder to take care of themselves. This plush, memory foam trimmed sleep mask will keep your loved one cozy no matter how they sleep, and block out any uninvited sunlight.
If someone you love suffers from dry skin or chapped lips, or simply can’t get enough of homemade remedies and salves, this 5-star reviewed cream will make the perfect addition to their cabinet. Happy customers have used it for everything from eczema to split ends, meaning your loved one is sure to find a use for it.
Beautiful to look at and luxurious to soak in, these dissolvable rose petals will delight your loved one as soon as they open them. If they love taking baths, they’ll be thankful for the excuse to break out this gorgeous package.
If your favorite person’s love language is snacking, this gadget will be the perfect surprise Valentine’s treat. They’ll love the power to have a warm, perfectly portioned bowl of popcorn to curl up with anytime they want.
The gift of some new nail polish shades can be the biggest blessing for anyone whose manicure supplies have dwindled in quarantine. These Valentine colors are sure to brighten up your loved one’s day and give them a much-needed dose of variety.
If you’ve got a loved one with a curated collection of mugs, why not give them something to brew in them? This gift set of 40 tea bags will have something different to offer the recipient every time they open it up.
I always love giving people books as presents and this book will be perfect for anyone who has a love for crystals or astrology. The rituals and advice inside might provide them with a whole new approach to mindfulness and self care.
A candle is always a welcome gift and this one is sure to arrive with lots of love. The soft wafting scents of tobacco and vanilla and the bright illustration on the side will remind your favorite person of how loved they are every time they light it.
Everyone could use a reminder to practice self care. This gift kit will be welcome in the home of any skincare enthusiast, providing them with a cleansing routine to practice every day.
You can’t get more traditional than flowers on Valentine’s Day, but here’s an offering with a twist. If your favorite person loves flowers, give them a bouquet that they can hang onto forever.
The distance between us and the people we love has never felt quite as big or daunting as it does right now. This upcoming Valentine’s Day can serve as a great reminder that there are still so many ways to reach out to the ones we care about most, whether it’s in a hand written letter, a Zoom call, or a little token of affection. Sending something out to your favorite people can help remind them that we’re all still connected even while we feel apart and keep us feeling strong as a community until we can see each other again.
Valentine’s Day is historically a time to spend focusing on relationships and the love you share with another person. But this year, why not spend some time cultivating and drawing on the love you have for yourself? Self love can take many forms depending on what’s important to you, whether it’s cooking your favorite meal or giving yourself a quiet moment to read your favorite book. If you’re looking for a special way to celebrate yourself this weekend, there are so many ways to craft a new ritual for self love. From crystals to tea to flowers to meditations, here’s a guide to giving yourself a Valentine’s weekend devoted to self love.
You can use healing crystals for meditation by holding them, placing them nearby or setting them on chakras that need unblocking or a bit of extra love. You can also benefit from their energy just by keeping them in your home in the areas you spend the most time.
Rose quartz is one of the most popular crystals to promote self-love. It has a strong connection to the heart chakra and having some around will remind you to be softer with yourself, making it the perfect crystal to pick up before Valentine’s day. Its nurturing vibrations are sure to nourish and soften your spirit, restoring any weariness.
Rhodochrosite is a stone for compassion and can be used to generate healing love both inward and outward. Using it in your practice can help you relate more towards yourself, forgive yourself for your mistakes, and help move on from scars of the past.
Amethyst is a stone that tends to connect us to a higher, more spiritual plane. Tapping into this energy can help you feel more calm and peaceful, generating more self esteem and self love. It can be especially useful for furthering meditation practices because it encourages you to wade out of the everyday lower-level concerns and look higher.
Use this Valentine’s Day as a chance to fall in love with yourself. Red Jasper is connected to your root chakra, giving you a strong sense of grounding and connecting you to your truest, deepest self.
Amazonite is a crystal that increases confidence and self esteem and surrounding yourself with a piece of it can wrap you in a blanket of assurance and comfort. It’s also a great stone for dispelling anxiety.
Whether diffused, put in a bath, or rubbed on the wrists and temples, there are a lot of ways to incorporate essential oils into your daily self-care routine. Roses have always had a symbolic connection to love and romance, and for good reason. Both the scent and the taste of roses hold incredible warmth and power for us, helping lift our spirits and our confidence while cleansing us of negativity.
Bergamot encourages hope and self-acceptance and can help you tap into your deeper inner courage. It helps clear away emotional pain leaving you clear and full of self assurance.
Every self love routine should include a little love for your physical body. In essential oil form, grapefruit can help awaken you to physical sensations and make you more aware of your body, telling it that you’re checked into it and care about it.
Sweet Orange is one of the most uplifting scents and can provide a boost of energy and esteem especially if you’ve been feeling stagnant or low.
Tea can be a special ritual to promote growth and healing wherever you need it. While many shops can provide specialty blends, simple boxes available in grocery stores can be just as magical if you know where to look. Hibiscus or rose tea with a bit of honey makes for the perfect blend of love in a cup. Chamomile is a comforting dose of self love. Passionfruit tea can help ignite and engage your deeper passion and zest for life. Jasmine tea is often known for its ability to draw and grow spiritual love and connect you to higher vibrations.
If you’re more inclined to shop for tea blends (or make your own), artist and occultist Katelan Foisy has several tea recommendations for different emotional needs and intentions (you can see her full article here). For self love, she recommends: “Hibiscus, roses, rosemary, cinnamon, nutmeg, and some mint. Put a little honey in it and honestly it does taste like love.” This recipe from Good Witch Kitchen is similar, using many warm, delectable ingredients to form a “love potion” that will give you a moment to restore and reflect.
We often decorate and embellish our spaces for special occasions and romantic dates, so why not keep that energy for celebrating ourselves as well?
Flowers are one of the most romantic gestures we have in our culture; picking up a bouquet or two of certain flowers can be a beautiful way to promote self love. Roses are the most common symbol for love and getting a gorgeous bouquet or a garland to hang around your space this weekend might make your whole area feel fresh and full of love. If you’ve never been one for pink or red, you can also decorate your space with bright and beautiful sunflowers that boost your space and emanate pure love. Delicate blue forget-me-nots are a symbol of eternal love and devotion and will also amplify the loving vibes you’re summoning.
Candles are also an easy way to fill a space with a soft and loving aura. Using candles with scents like bergamot, roses, lilac or whatever scent makes you feel the most at home. You can also buy a self love candle from a specialty shop like House of Intuition or Art of the Root filled with essential oil blends and crystals and promote the ritual even further.
Taking a long bath is an act of self-care no matter what, setting time for yourself away from the rest of the world to soak in the love. There are a few scents and ingredients you can add to boost the positive affirmations and make it into a special occasion, whether it’s a simple bath bomb, a few drops of your chosen essential oil, or even following a luxurious bath recipe.
For maximum love, Katelan recommends making a milk bath and filling it with rose petals, honey, lavender and orange peel. You can create a milk bath using regular milk, goat’s milk or coconut milk or even just mixing instant dry milk powder into your bath after it’s drawn.
A Meditation for Self Love
If you’re busy or just running low on time or energy, there are also very simple ways to instill your Valentine’s Day with self love. If nothing else, you can spend 12 minutes recommitting to a loving, compassionate, and empathetic relationship with yourself over the course of this short self love meditation.
The most important element of self love is simply making time to care for yourself as much as you would for any loved one. Whether this means a moment for quiet, some aromatherapy or a warm bath, I hope you find time this weekend to prioritize your most important relationship: the one you have with yourself.
Going through life with an autoimmune condition, or several, like I do, can be a difficult process. Over the years I’ve been diagnosed with Sjogren’s syndrome, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and I have the markers for antiphospholipid syndrome, which can lead to blood clots. When many of us start our health journeys, even if we are fortunate enough to get a diagnosis, we can quickly end up with more questions than answers. Often when it comes to autoimmune conditions there is no perfect solution or clear path forward. Coping with autoimmune conditions can sometimes feel quite lonely. When I first got diagnosed, some encouraged me to keep my struggles to myself, but I’ve found that it’s always been better to be honest about my needs and realities than to stay silent. I believe strongly in sharing my journey, my solutions, and the things that have helped me with anyone who could use it— this is how communities are formed.
If you’ve been struggling with the symptoms of an autoimmune condition, and experience anything from dryness to soreness to an upset stomach, hopefully something on this list can make your life with autoimmune a bit more manageable. Keep in mind that not everything in this list might make a good fit for you, and you might have discovered solutions I haven’t even heard of yet and would love to hear. When it comes down to it, you get to make your own rules for your life with your autoimmune conditions. I hope you get something out of my routine and that you’ll share your own tricks and tools for staying healthy!
With Sjogren’s Syndrome, dryness of the eyes is a never-ending problem. It’s important to keep my eyes properly lubricated all day and all night to avoid painful dryness, redness, and irritation. I use these lubricant eye drops throughout the day so that I never have to deal with the pain that dry eyes can cause; I’m also allergic to preservatives so these drops are safe for me to use.
These eye drops are a bit thicker, which prevents me from using them during the day when I’m wearing contacts. However, they’re perfect for use just before bed, giving me relief from irritation so I don’t wake up with any painful dryness in my eyes.
One of my favorite night time rituals is after I have put in my last round of eye drops is to use this Japanese eye mask. The lavender scent is my favorite but there are chamomile and citrus and non scented ones as well. They are disposable and I usually wake with them rolled up in a ball, but my eyes always feel much better. Putting heat on my eyes increases circulation and just keeps them feeling fresher and healthier.
Dryness can be such an issue with my autoimmune conditions, and truth be told, I just feel old when my skin shows dryness, so it’s always been important to me to make sure my skin stays properly moisturized. I have a few products to help keep my skin hydrated throughout the day; one of my favorites is FIJI Body butter.
For added smoothness and moisturization, I apply this oil after using lotion on my skin. A tip I learned from working with dancers is to put the oil on the outside as the final step to keep the moisture in. Sealing your lotion with an oil is incredible, and nothing feels better than feeling fully hydrated.
Because I use my hands a lot, keeping my cuticles healthy is important to me. After lotioning up I use a cuticle oil; Opi’s is my favorite. Even though I may not be getting to the nail salon like I used to, I am still able to keep up my cuticles at the very least. It helps me have the confidence to use my hands without having to look at the dryness all the time and be reminded of my condition.
If you ever come to a taping of one of my shows, you’ll see that I’m always using sprays. This is because, as a Sjogren’s Sister, I’m always battling dryness and do whatever I can to keep myself feeling comfortable. I love these sprays because scents are very important to me and I love coconut and rose. I spray one of these on my face when is start to feel dry. I also like to spray it into the air and walk through it, which always makes me feel like I just walked through a little breeze.
I can always trust this mist to freshen up my space, and its simple bottle fits into any environment without clashing. It can also be used over make up or during your facial cleansing routine. I always carry it in my purse for the times that I need a bit of refreshment.
Whenever I travel to a new space and the air feels dry to me, I use a mixture of lavender essential oils and distilled water in a spray bottle to help hydrate and refresh the air. It’s a great way to take control of the energy in a space, making sure it’s fresh and welcoming.
For Dry Hair
I’ve been dealing with dry hair due to my autoimmune conditions for years, and since having COVID it’s become even more delicate. I have an entire article detailing my favorite products to help lock in moisture and keep hair feeling fresh, soft and healthy that you can read here.
Sjogren’s can also leave my mouth feeling uncomfortably dry; because so much of my career involves talking to people, it’s always important to me to have a mouth spray like this one on hand to get rid of any dryness.
These mints are great to keep on hand; they are sugar-free, taste great, and help with saliva production. I like the fruity flavor of the berry mints, but they have many different flavors. You can find your own favorite to have on hand to keep your breath fresh and your confidence up.
For Muscle Soreness,Aches and Pains
Muscle pain, joint pain and aches are a body’s worst nightmare. Even small aches and pains for a person with autoimmune conditions can signal much worse developments on the horizon; soreness in one spot can lead to immobility elsewhere, and flare ups are always a concern. Because of this, much of what I do in life is to avoid pain, minimize it, or nip it in the bud so that I can continue to live my best life. These are some of the products that I use regularly to help me avoid and manage pain.
I get flare ups all the time, and physical activity always increases the odds of a bad flare up. When I work out, my muscles tighten up so much that the pain can prevent me from getting into a consistent schedule. Using a massage gun right after I work out helps reduce the risk of muscle pain and flare ups. Full disclosure: Muscle Hammer is owned by my brother, so of course it’s my favorite!
The Muscle Hammer helps to prevent lactic acid buildup (which is what causes post-workout soreness) so that I can work out again the next day. This has become especially important during the pandemic, as I used to rely on personal massages to keep autoimmune related inflammation at bay. This massage gun helps to fill that need while we all stay safe at home. It saves money in the long run and helps you feel good about taking care of yourself. The Muscle Hammer is also much quieter than many similar products on the market, meaning you can use it around other people whenever you need without worrying about disrupting anyone.
Another natural remedy that I use quite often is epsom salts. I take epsom salt baths anytime I feel a flare coming, or have any muscle tightness. Sometimes I use it just to calm my senses. The ones I use have lavender essential oils in it, because I love lavender. Eucalyptus is a great addition if you’re dealing with clogged pores or sinuses— I used to use it until I found out it’s toxic to cats and now I keep eucalyptus out of my home entirely.
Epsom salt baths are a great way to combine physical healing with emotional and spiritual self care, and all are important for living a full, balanced life with autoimmune conditions. Light a candle, turn on some music and calm your spirit. If you need a wake-me-up, you can throw some lemon or orange or lemongrass essential oil in the bath as well to help your senses come alive.
After taking a warm bath, I often will rub Traumeel on my legs, neck and shoulders. I have found it helps with pain and inflammation. I keep it in my nightstand because often nighttime, before falling asleep, is when pain tends to be hardest to ignore. I like Traumeel specifically because, unlike Icy Hot or Tiger’s Balm, it’s almost scentless, making it a nice subtle choice for my evening routine. I use Traumeel almost every night for muscle discomfort; so much of my routine is built around pain management and preventing flare ups, and using Traumeel daily is a big part of this routine.
As my fellow autoimmune warriors know, fatigue is always at the top of the list of concerns. When I feel fatigue coming on, I’ve found that energy drinks leave me worse for the wear. One remedy that I use when I am feeling depleted and just need a boost to get through my day is Bach Flower’s Olive Remedy. Bach Flower Remedies are homeopathic tinctures developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, and each one has a different application. I’ve been using these products for years to treat everything from stress to sleeplessness. It does contain alcohol, so if you can’t use alcohol because of medications or any other reason, just check with your doctor. It’s always a good idea to check with your doctors before mixing anything with your medications.
Ever since I was a child, I have had to deal with a stuffy nose. I’ve struggled with allergies all my life. Sinus health is an issue for me, because infections can be painful and draining. I use a neti pot every morning in the shower to clear my sinuses and keep them moist. This one is great because it comes with the saline packets; you just have to mix warm water with the packet, tilt your head and pour…one nostril at a time. Gravity does all the work, and the process will leave you feeling clear and refreshed.
I’ve been using Afrin to treat stuffy noses since I was a child. This pump isn’t meant for long term use, but when you need to open your nasal passages quickly, this works the best. I always carry one in every set bag and in every purse I own; this small pump is small and easy to transport and use.
I have a sensitive stomach. Recently I was diagnosed with IBS, and I’ve been going through an antibiotic treatment that’s improved my system a lot so far. However, my stomach is still sensitive, so when I’m not feeling great, or just when I want a hot drink in my mug, I use these packets. I stock them in every dressing room and always have them at home. This drink tastes great. It does have a lot of sugar so it might not be right for those of you who are on a no-sugar diet, but I’ve found that these are a great remedy for upset stomachs.
For Avoiding Flares
For me, autoimmune flares often come when I’m overwhelmed or trying to take on too much. In many ways, I think that flares are signs from the universe to slow down and treat yourself with more care. This is one of several reasons that I keep a big dry erase wall calendar up at all times. Not only does it help me keep track of my work schedule and reiki and acupuncture appointments, but it also helps me schedule in days for rest. These are days that I’m not allowed to work or even make plans with anyone else. Planning ahead to give yourself time to recharge without feeling bad is vital to a healthy life balance for me. Because I’ve suffered from insomnia for the past few years, naps have become a big part of ensuring that I get the amount of good sleep that I need to thrive. Even if you’re not big on taking naps during the day, even just taking ten minutes to grab some headphones, put on a meditation from Insight Timer or Calm, and shut out the world can have such a positive impact on how you feel for the rest of the day.
For Brain Fog
I often find myself grappling with the “fibro fog” that comes along with my fibromyalgia diagnosis; this fog can make anything from reading the teleprompter at The Talk to remembering appointments very challenging. I try to keep notepads all over my house to jot down things as they come to me. I also keep a Moleskine journal in my purse and am constantly making to-do lists. Sometimes I don’t even need to come back to these lists but the process of writing them down helps it stay in my memory easier. Another thing I’ve found is helpful when dealing with these fogs is simply to be honest about them with those around me, and forgive myself for having them. When I’m able to have empathy and compassion for myself instead of shame or disappointment, it helps to create a more supportive and understanding environment around me as well.
I’ve known that apple cider vinegar is good for digestion, but I’ve always avoided it because of the taste. I was so thankful when we started trying these gummies at The Talk; they’re delicious and they’ve really helped to improve my digestive system.
I’ve always used L Carnitine to help me have more energy when I work out but a friend of mine who has lupus uses it on a daily basis to keep up her energy.
Carrie Ann’s Stay Healthy Shake Recipe
I also use probiotics in a shake to get maximum nutrients and immune defense. Just blend and enjoy!
A gentle reminder: when it comes to autoimmune conditions, there is no one perfect solution. Everyone’s path to healing is deeply personal, and usually it’s a mix of several remedies and practices mixed together. Each person is different, and you always need to listen to your own body when it tells you what it needs. Over the years, these are all products and practices that I’ve found bring me relief and allow me to live a more balanced and full life, and I wanted to share these with you. If you have your own solutions, please leave them in the comments below— the tip you share might change someone else’s life for the better, and we could all use that.
We’ve all spent a lot of time inside our homes in the past year. More than ever they’ve become our safe havens, our special spaces, and our sanctuaries as we stay inside to keep ourselves and our communities safe. This also means that our spaces might be starting to feel too familiar, stagnant and small. It’s amazing how much even little changes, like changing out a throw pillow, adding an accent, or moving a piece of furniture, investing energy into reinvigorating your space can be a great way to bring a new energy and fight off stagnation. Here are 11 small home accessories you can add to your space to change the flow and make your home feel like (almost!) new.
Fill this vase with a few flowers from your yard, a faux bouquet, or even something more unconventional like a peacock feather. It’ll add an interesting new look any shelf or end table.
A candle doesn’t just add a scented ambience to your home, but it can provide a splash of color as well. These bergamot candles from Paddywax will make an eye-catching centerpiece while providing a calming fragrance.
This set of delicate vases are reminiscent of river stones or the yin yang symbol and will make the perfect holder for a small succulent or plant cutting.
Decorative trays are an easy way to make aesthetically pleasing order from chaos. Use these on your dresser to arrange your accessories or in your living room to stow remotes, coasters or candles and see the difference they make.
Whether you’ve been accruing knick knacks with nowhere to put them or just need to fill in a blank wall, this nestled wall shelf is a great way to bring some of your favorite keepsakes front and center and bring a new focal point to one of your favorite rooms.
Plants can be home accessories that bring so much life and vibrance into a space, but not all of us have a green thumb. This set of tiny minimalist succulents will add personality to a shelf or accent table while never requiring a watering schedule.
Tealights are an easy way to add an air of class and elegance to your dwelling at any time of day. Just pop some candles into this decorative tray to summon spa vibes whenever you need a hint of relaxation.
A small but bright splash of color can help any room feel brand new. This set of ceramic vases will be sure to add something special to your home, whether you decide to fill them with fresh flowers, faux plants, or your favorite succulents.
Macrame wall hangings are a simple and easy way to add some texture to your space. Wall art always elevates and adds dimension and these hangings are a great alternative to traditional framed art.
A succulent arrangement can offer a lot of life and diversity to a space. No matter what you decide to plant in this gorgeous vase, it’s sure to elevate your home.
The moon can be a powerful source of inspiration and can call new emotion into any room where it’s invoked. This mirrored wall set is sure to elevate and inspire wherever you decide to place them.
The idea of redecorating your home, or even one area, can feel overwhelming when you don’t know what you want or how to accomplish it. Luckily, many changes only require a little shift in perspective to bring new energy and fresh insight. Even bringing one new home accessory into a space can change the focal point and make your space feel fresh and new.
Have you been feeling overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, or just exhausted? This past year has pushed many of us to our limits, and has kept us in a survival mode that can keep us from having the energy to solve problems or try to make even small lifestyle changes. A solution for so many of these issues, from missing sleep to low self esteem, can be found in the simple practice of mindfulness. Meditation can seem alienating and intimidating to newcomers even as it becomes more and more popular. Luckily, a variety of apps is always working to make meditation an approachable and helpful tool whether you’ve practiced for years or have never tried it. Whether you’d like to build a community with others trying to heal, need a simple reminder to check in with yourself or even just want to start making time to separate yourself from your daily stressors, meditation apps have something to offer everyone. If the coming of the new year has made you crave a change, using a meditation app can be the perfect way to find a new start and give yourself space to breathe among the distractions and stressors of daily life.
Insight Timer is one of my favorite apps; it has some of my favorite speakers and meditations that I return to time and time again. I love the meditations by Sarah Blondin, Jennifer Piercy, Kenneth Soares and Jonathan Lehmann. Lisa A. Romano’s meditations for healing from narcissistic abuse were hugely helpful to me while I was recovering from my own experience with narcissistic abuse. If you have experiences with chronic pain, I recommend Carrie Suwal’s meditations on extreme pain meditation. Even though Insight Timer does offer a premium subscription for $9.99 a month, they also have thousands of meditations that are all free to listen to.
One thing I love about Insight is that it’s not just an app but it’s also a community. You can connect with other users who are listening to the same meditations. You can leave encouraging messages for people going through similar struggles and truly feel less alone when you’re going through something. Whether you’re looking for guided meditation, an ambient soundtrack to usher in a moment of peace, or even a yoga practice, Insight Timer has an incredible range of experiences.
2. Calm
Courtesy of Calm
Whether you’re looking for a 10 minute dose of daily calm that updates every day, walking meditations, help focusing your attention or sleep stories to help you rest better, Calm has a variety of options. A limited free version or an unlimited $70 version are both available to fit your needs. If you’re feeling lost, Calm offers a good place to start: their introductory 7 days of Calm course invites you back to the app each day to explore the basics of meditation one day at a time.
3. Ten Percent Happier Meditation
Courtesy of Ten Percent Happier
Ten Percent Happier is on a mission to win over people who are skeptical of meditation. With simple, pragmatic and goal-oriented meditations like “Getting Out of Your Head” or “Ten Good Breaths,” this app wants to show you that meditation can have a visible positive impact on your day-to-day life. The app can also connect you with real life meditation experts for any coaching you need in your journey. A subscription with Ten Percent happier costs $11.99 a month or $99 a year.
4. Buddhify
Courtesy of Buddhify
Buddhify’s most distinctive feature is its “wheel” of meditation options which lets you intuitively gravitate towards options that suit your needs and state of mind. Whether you’re feeling intense stress or just need a work break, the wheel will lead you to different meditation choices to give you the best experience for your moment. As you get more familiar with the app, you can even customize your wheel for the options you use the most, adding meditations for specific emotions, sleep aids, pain management and anything else you need. Buddhify even lets you give meditations to your loved ones, so if you come across a meditation someone in your life would find helpful they can listen to it even if they don’t have the app. Best of all, the app costs $4.99 to download but doesn’t charge any subsequent fees for subscription or any features.
5. Shine
Courtesy of Shine
Shine’s goal is to help users with their mental and emotional health on a daily basis with motivational messages, meditations and journal prompts all infused with a sense of humor. The Shine app features a today tab with an easy-access toolkit of actions users can take; “The app essentially is meant to be your daily self-care check-in,” founder Marah Lidey told Popsugar last year. The simple checklist of options and choices can take a lot of indecisiveness out of the process and help you easily find the right experience for you whether it’s a morning boost, a quick life coaching session or a story to help you sleep at night. Because Shine was created to help increase representation and help for Black mental health, there’s an entire section of its library devoted to topics like burnout, racial equality, and healing from trauma. Shine’s subscription costs $7.99 a month or $59.99 annually.
6. Headspace
Courtesy of Headspace
Headspace calls itself “Your personal meditation guide to pretty much everything.” Explore a library of options from work and productivity to happiness and self esteem. There’s also an essential meditation section if you don’t know where to start and a bar on the home screen tracks your progress so you can work to build streaks of mindfulness stretching over days and weeks. Headspace even has guided imagery exercises that work to incorporate all five senses for a more mindful experience. A subscription to Headspace Plus costs $12.99 a month or $69.99 annually.
7. Happify
Courtesy of Happify
Happify is a great app if you’re intimidated by the process of starting meditation for the first time. Instead of using traditional meditation prompts or guided meditations, Happify uses games to help get you into a positive, meditated state. For instance, in one game balloons will drift by your screen with different words written on them and you are tasked with only choosing the positive words; this will help create more positive connections in your mind. If you love playing games then you’lll love this app. When I first started my journey with chronic illness, I experienced a lot of depression and worry that I wouldn’t be able to live a full life. I wasn’t ready to share about my depression and a tool like Happify that allowed me to help myself was so important. I did this app every single day and it was truly so helpful to me. If you’re not sure where to find help, this app might be a helpful place to start for you too. Meditation can be an intimidating practice to start and a more game-centered, lighthearted experience might be a great alternative to working towards happiness and mindfulness.
For newcomers, meditation can seem unapproachable, intimidating, and can even make you think you’re not the right kind of person for meditation. Luckily, there’s such a wide range of meditation apps that can offer a form of meditation to fit everyone, from the deeply spiritual to the chronically busy to the sleep-challenged. Whether you need a checklist to keep you accountable, a community to love and support you, or an endless library of thoughtful sessions, there’s something in meditation that can serve you and improve your life today.
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