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Journaling regularly can be a hard practice to get into, even if you’ve journaled in the past and know you enjoy it. It can be daunting to get started, to know where to begin, especially when we are processing so many daily changes and stressors. It can be easy to let journalling fall by the wayside even with the best intentions; we can become too bogged down in our daily


Over the past few months, many of us have been pushed to our limits. We’ve been faced with worries, stress, and questions about the looming future on a daily basis, and that doesn’t come without a cost. Many of us have been living in an extended survival mode; to help serve us better in difficult times, our minds and bodies come up with coping mechanisms to help protect us. When


Watch the Video Interview Above Read the Transcript of the Interview Below Marinda: Oh my gosh, it’s so good to see your beautiful face. Carrie Ann: Oh my God, it’s so good to see her. I got to turn the volume up. Hold on cause I can’t hear you. There we go. And then now we have to reframe because we’re all framed differently than we were just a little


If you have pets, you understand that the relationship between our animals and ourselves is a deeply reciprocal one. We give them a home and in return they fill our lives with the purest form of love and comfort. One of the richest parts of pet ownership is finding new ways to take care of our pets and enrich their lives. As a pet owner, one of my favorite experiences


For as long as we’ve been human, we’ve sought out the sacred in nature. Something about crystals, rocks and precious stones has always called to us, whether through their appearance, the vibrations they emit, or something deeper. We are from the earth; it makes sense that keeping pieces of it would bring us comfort and strength. Connecting with crystals is a deeply personal practice. Anybody who has worked with or


I think there’s a reason tea has such significance in so many different cultures. There’s an intentionality to making tea, the heat of the water, the length of the steep, the brewing of the leaves. It’s its own kind of magic. When I lived in Japan I learned of Japanese tea rituals, where so much thought, patience and time are put into the preparation of just one cup of tea.


For all of us, staying safe and healthy during COVID-19 has come at a cost. Social distancing has dealt a blow to our usual patterns, none as much as our cycles of connection with each other. It can be so easy to feel cut off without our normal avenues for socialization, while we watch anniversaries and birthdays and events pass us by. But like most things, there is an opportunity


While many of us are working hard to stick to our budgets, it can seem like an unnecessary burden to work in space for self-care. Our instinct can be to forget ourselves, put our own wellbeing or enjoyment on the back burner because it feels less vital to us. Sometimes it can seem like the stereotypical self-care measures, like vacations or spa treatments, are out of reach financially for us.


As many of us are close to completing our first month under increased safety restrictions, isolation, and stress, I’ve seen so many people striving for positivity and encouragement. It’s made me so proud to see people focusing on the good being done, lifting each other up, and keeping hope alive for themselves and others. Working to see joy and positivity in the face of an unprecedented crisis like this one

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