We all know that colors can impact our moods. We have colors we’re fond of, ones we like to dress in, ones we like to surround ourselves with, ones that bring fond memories back to us. Color, much like music, is capable of resonating much deeper with us than words can explain.
It comes as no surprise that colors often create patterns around us, encouraging different emotions, energies and reactions. Colors hold special significance to us based on the things we associate with them: blues are calming like the sky or the sea, greens transport us back to the peaceful growth of nature, orange invokes the crackling power of a fire. Hinduism says that each of our seven chakras are grounded in a different color, each associated with different energy and intentions. Using this wisdom we can mindfully employ colors to help us craft the energy of our spaces with care. We can create more balance, happiness, and peace in our lives by thinking about the colors that exist in our physical spaces.

Associated with the crown chakra located at the top of the head, purple signifies deep alignment with the universe, creativity, and enlightenment. Think about the deep purples of a mountain range or a late starry night. Purple is a color that seeks to connect us with the universe at a higher level. If you’re feeling trapped in small details and petty gripes or want to feel more connected with a vision for your life, consider incorporating more purple in your space.

Dark Blue
Dark blue is the color of the brow chakra and has a connection to intuition and memory. Like a deep, rolling ocean or a still, placid lake, dark blue brings us peace and stillness. It creates depth and stability; if you’re feeling fragile or flighty, or you’re having difficulty sleeping, bring dark blues into the places where you seek rest.

Light Blue
The color of the throat chakra, light blue is associated with communication, wisdom, loyalty and trust. Light blue has many special qualities to it- did you know it’s most people’s favorite color? Think of the quiet happiness that comes from looking up at a clear blue sky on a sunny day. Bringing this color into your spaces promotes a deep sense of calm. Light blue has so many superpowers. People are more likely to trust someone dressed in blue, and science has also found that bright blues can actually help to reset circadian rhythms, our internal clocks, if they fall out of alignment. Consider taking advantage of this magical color for increased calm and a deeper trust between you and the universe.

You probably already know that pink has a deep connection with love and tenderness: when we think about pink we think about hearts, roses, and femininity. Anyone who works with crystals will tell you that rose quartz, a soft light pink stone, is helpful for creating love for others and yourself. This soft hue is connected to the heart chakra and studies have shown that pink can help to calm frazzled nerves and relieve negative thoughts. It’s the color for love, nurturing and kindness. If you’re feeling a lack of grace or empathy for yourself or others, try to bring some more pinks into your spaces and feel the love.

Green is also associated with the heart chakra and has many benefits. Like the greens that grow in nature all around us, green symbolizes new beginnings and fresh life. Studies show that green can make you more creative and give you energy. Because of this, experts often recommend using green in places you want to see productivity like your office or workout area. Green spaces can help boost mental health and happiness as well, strengthening your ability to access positivity. This color is great for places where you need to feel energized and productive; just make sure to keep it away from places you use for rest and quiet to avoid filling them with too much restlessness.

Yellow is the color of the solar plexus chakra in our lower abdomen. Like the sun, the color yellow encourages confidence and clarity and can lift your spirits when you’re feeling stagnant or unhappy. If you need a change of pace or are looking for ways to access more joy in your everyday life, consider placing more yellow around your home and feel your mood lift.

The color of the sacral chakra located in the lower abdomen, orange is associated with creativity and motion. The color orange can help to provide a burst of energy or excitement when we experience a block or obstacle, clearing out those things that have been holding us back or keeping us captive. Much like a crackling fire orange can be energizing, invoking passion and movement when needed. Bring it into spaces when you’re craving a change or need an extra boost to conquer a task but be sure to remove it from more restful areas.

Red is connected to the root chakra, the lowermost chakra located at the base of the spine.
Science has much to say about this color. Our brains often translate it as dangerous; this triggers our fight-or-flight responses, filling us with energy, strength, confidence and power. It also connects us more to our physical surroundings, serving to ground us and increase our connection to reality. The color red can provide us with so much strength and power when we need to call on it, but the increased energy level can also decrease decision-making skills. Use it in places and times when you need to trust yourself or stand your ground but stay away when a matter needs careful consideration.
So many of us are experiencing feelings of stagnation while we spend more time occupying the same spaces every day. If you’ve felt cooped up or in desperate need of a change, try bringing new colors into your area and see if they bring new energy and life with them. Working with color can be an easy way to refresh the old and each one is capable of helping us connect to a deeper part of ourselves.