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There are few pleasures as simple or joyful as being able to pick fresh herbs to use in your cooking. Not only are herb plants useful and delicious; their luscious leaves and fragrances can make a home feel truly alive. Keeping herbs in the home can encourage you to cook more if you’re hesitant, or just raise the quality of your dishes if you’re already a star chef. There’s nothing


Whether it’s due to nutritional goals, environmental factors or simply wanting to expand our tastes, more and more of us are trying to incorporate more plant-based proteins into our meals. Plant-based proteins can be a healthy replacement for meat in many meals; research has shown that plant-based diets can reduce the risk of heart disease and can radically increase our intake of the nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants we need to


Mindfulness is a powerful tool for moving through life with awareness and perspective, but it can be hard sometimes to know exactly what it means to practice mindfulness. At times it can feel like an abstract buzzword, hard to connect to or put into motion. The truth is that mindfulness can help us more meaningfully experience the present and develop a more solid understanding of our own thoughts, and this


There are few ways to inject life into a home that are as effective or satisfying as adding live plants. Keeping houseplants in the home isn’t just a good hobby or a way to devote attention towards tending to a living being, although those are both great benefits. Houseplants exude all the forces of life, growth and nature that we glean from the outdoors, brightening our day and refreshing our


Journaling regularly can be a hard practice to get into, even if you’ve journaled in the past and know you enjoy it. It can be daunting to get started, to know where to begin, especially when we are processing so many daily changes and stressors. It can be easy to let journalling fall by the wayside even with the best intentions; we can become too bogged down in our daily


Over the past few months, many of us have been pushed to our limits. We’ve been faced with worries, stress, and questions about the looming future on a daily basis, and that doesn’t come without a cost. Many of us have been living in an extended survival mode; to help serve us better in difficult times, our minds and bodies come up with coping mechanisms to help protect us. When


For as long as we’ve been human, we’ve sought out the sacred in nature. Something about crystals, rocks and precious stones has always called to us, whether through their appearance, the vibrations they emit, or something deeper. We are from the earth; it makes sense that keeping pieces of it would bring us comfort and strength. Connecting with crystals is a deeply personal practice. Anybody who has worked with or

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